Save the date: Symposium P3Venti

Op 28 februari 2024 organiseren we het P3Venti symposium. We delen dan onze bevindingen van het P3Venti programma met alle deelnemers. We brengen wetenschap en praktijk samen om van elkaar te leren en ons werk op elkaar af te stemmen. Houd de symposiumpagina in de gaten voor meer informatie over het programma.

On the 28th of February, 2024, we will host the first P3Venti (pandemic preparedness through ventilation) symposium! The P3Venti program initiates and combines research related to the benefits of ventilation and its role in preventing the spreading of viruses. For now, it is solely focused on application in the long-term care. At the symposium we will share our findings, and bring together science and practice in order to learn from each other and align our work. More information will follow soon!